Monday, 20 September 2010

Mrs Doonuthin has some Tech Problems

I currently view Grey Doll's Blog using as Web Browser - Mozilla FireFox 3.6. And everything seems to be working OK.

Today I thought I'd be a good girl and check to see what her Blog looks like using Internet Explorer 8 as Web Browser. Unfortunately I see that the embedded videos aren't showing an image and therefore aren't playable on Internet Explorer 8 on my PC.

It seems to make no difference whether the videos are "You Tube inserts" or Little Grey Doll's "in-house" video.

Is this a security setting issue I ask myself?

I've checked out the problem on Blogger Help and it does indeed seem to be an ongoing issue for some other - now very angry - bloggers as well (since January 2010 in fact) - with no resolution in sight. And it seems to vary from blogger to blogger as to which Browsers do not show the video images.

I've tried some of the techie solutions proffered by other users on the Help site - but I'm a newbie - not HTML proficient - and it didn't seem to cure the problem for me.

I know that this will come as a great blow to Little Grey Doll's vision of a Blogospheric film career. So I would be grateful if I could get feedback on whether you can "see" the videos or not, and play them. And which browser you use to do so (or not as the case may be).

You'll find a sample You Tube video at the Red Shoes Post.
And Grey Doll's own embedded video at No Paparazzi Post.

A grateful thank you for any feedback that can be given.

Edit: 22 Sept 2010: Please give feedback on any browser problems via the comment box on Technical Director Page (click here for link).

Grey Doll is fed up with me hanging around here!

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