Saturday 17 July 2010

In which The Old Man gets his Kit Off

The Old Man attends the Surgery for his Doctor appointment.

And as he enters the Doctor's room he starts to take off his clothes.

Doctor is a bit alarmed.
Doctor is a bit taken aback.

And The Old Man sits there, scars an' all, and points out that he wishes to be examined.

And he is. And his blood is tested. For several things. And his heart is listened to. And his lungs are listened to. And his blood pressure is taken. And he is pronounced pretty good considering.

And the Doctor appears chastened. He says that he would have had The Old Man admitted to Hospital the previous evening if he had known.

(How would he have known? It would have been "Useless Out of Hours Ltd" answering our call. Or not. As local reputation would have it.)

And a Blood Test Nurse is booked for visiting the Old Man on Monday morning.

And it is promised that his tablet dosage size will be discussed with the relevant doctor in the practice.

And The Old Man has made his point.

And the Old Man puts his shirt back on.

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