Friday, 31 December 2010

New Year's Eve

I'll let you into a secret. I'm a bit iffy about New Year celebrations and the coming of a New Year.

2010, for instance, has been a bit of a goer. Plenty happening on the life-death front. The Old Man attempting to shake things up again.

But... there's been a bit of a rebirth too.... Hey! I cannot forget the creation of this very Blog. The renewing of old friendships brought about by The Old Man's dramatic turn..... And then ...... there is my revitalised film career, courtesy of Mrs Doonuthin.

Speaking of which - you will soon be thrilled by another work. In which - The Old Man and me fail to keep a straight face when presented by Mrs Doonuthin's clay critters. It's entitled "Audition" and will be coming to your screen soon.

In the meantime I would like to say:

"Happy New Year - and a very successful rebirth to all you good people."

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