Monday 15 April 2013

A Hilltop Walk Leading To Wagnerian Ramblings

Today we do walk up the hill. As you can see it is misty.

I do have a rather martyred weekend in terms of evening entertainment.... First there is the weekly BBC Radio 3's  Opera on 3 - "Live from the Met" broadcast... which do be Wagner's "Die Walkure."  And I be no fan of Wagner.... but The Old Man is.... so I do grit my teeth and bear nearly all of it.

Then I be hijacked because The Old Man announces that he be giving the BBC's paltry allotment of  "The Masters" Golf Tournament priority over my Scandi-crime...Much to my chagrin...
(He have better recorded my "Arne Dahl".) These are the disagreements of the elder kind as we both insist he said, he didn't, and so on. I be not in good humour.

....Until I do some research on the Met production. Because it is by Robert Lepage... who be a bit of a theatrical  must for me. Which cause me to look at some clips online at the Met site  and to talk to The Old Man about it.... which do prompt the usual Old Man lecture... which one may or may not find informative. This lecture continues during our hilly walk. Here you can see some goats momentarily enthralled by the concept of opera production of the Wagnerian kind.

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